Mastering the Art of Heart-Centred Communication: Recognizing the Difference Between Public Speaking and Presence

In our journey of heartfelt communication, we often encounter two distinct yet interconnected dimensions: Public Speaking and Presence. 

These facets, although seemingly related, possess unique qualities that nurture our ability to connect on a deeper level. 

What is the difference between public speaking and having presence? 

Let’s find out....

Public Speaking: Expressing the Soul's Voice

Public speaking is the art of sharing one's voice and vision with an audience. 

It is a structured form (or sometimes with a lot of experience – speaking in the moment, with great clarity and purpose) of communication where we breathe life into our ideas, emotions, and stories through spoken words.  

Let's explore the heart-centred essence of public speaking:

  1. Preparation with Intention: Public speaking begins with a heartfelt intention. What is at the kernel of the talk? What intention is behind giving this talk – what do you want your audience to take away? It invites one to mine the gold already within us, the stories that give us unique perspective and insight...

  2. Expressive Delivery: Effective public speaking is a heartfelt offering. It involves not just the words spoken but the soulful delivery, including intonation, rhythm, body movement (embodiment of the message), expressive hand gestures, and eye contact.

  3. Heartfelt Connection: Public speaking thrives when a heart-centred connection is established with the audience. A skilled speaker knows how to weave their passion and authenticity into their words, bridging hearts and minds.

  4. Narrative Structure: A soulful speech follows a flowing narrative structure, leading the audience on a journey that resonates with their own experiences and emotions.

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." - George Bernard Shaw

This quote by George Bernard Shaw highlights the potential gap between public speaking and true communication. It emphasizes the importance of ensuring that communication goes beyond words and reaches the heart of the listener. Mindful presence could be seen as a key ingredient to this true communication.

Presence: The Gift of Heartfelt Being

Presence, on the other hand, is the art of being fully and authentically in the moment. It transcends mere words, encompassing a heart-centred connection with others.

Here's a heartfelt exploration of presence:

  • Authentic Being: Presence emanates from the heart's authenticity. It means being real, allowing vulnerability, and sharing the raw, beautiful truth of who we are. A felt sense of BEING – in the moment.

  • Listening with an Open Heart: Heart-centred presence is not only about speaking but also about listening deeply. It involves listening with an open heart, free from judgment or distraction.

  • Empathic Heart: Presence is an empathic connection, where we open our hearts to understand and embrace the feelings and perspectives of others, forging bonds of empathy and trust.

"Empathy is about finding echoes of another person in yourself." - Mohsin Hamid

This quote by Mohsin Hamid beautifully captures the essence of empathy, which is a crucial element of presence. It suggests that empathy involves recognizing the shared humanity in others, fostering a deeper connection.

  1. Heartfelt Language: Beyond words, presence is communicated through the language of the heart. It is in the warmth of a smile, the sincerity of eye contact, and the comforting embrace of body language.

  2. Heartfelt Awareness: Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, nurture presence by grounding us in the here and now. These practices help us cultivate an inner sanctuary of calm, from which our heart-centred presence can flow.

Why Both Illuminate Our Path

Public speaking and presence, though distinct, share a sacred dance in the realm of heartfelt communication.

Here's why they are both essential:

  1. Holistic Expression: Public speaking empowers us to express our heartfelt messages clearly and persuasively, while presence infuses our words with authenticity and depth, creating a holistic communication experience.

  2. Soulful Connections: Presence fosters trust and intimacy in our relationships. People  “feel” us. It allows us to connect with others soul to soul, transcending the superficial and nurturing profound connections.

  3. Grace in Adaptability: In dynamic interactions, such as meetings or negotiations, presence empowers us to adapt with grace, offering empathy and understanding in the face of unexpected challenges.

  4. Heart-Centred Leadership: Heart-centred leaders blend the power of public speaking with the grace of presence. They inspire and guide with their authentic voices, always approachable and heartfully attuned to the needs of their team.

In our heart-centred approach to communication, both public speaking and presence shine as guiding stars. 

Public speaking lets us share our authentic truths, while presence enables us to forge heart-centred connections. 

To become a masterful communicator, we must harmonize these aspects, allowing the structured skills of public speaking to meld seamlessly with the heartfelt qualities of presence. Ultimately, the art of heartfelt communication is a sacred journey where we find balance, authenticity, and the profound joy of connecting heart to heart.

Want to join me in learning both public speaking and presence? You are warmly invited to do so in one of my offerings HERE...

"Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen." - Brené Brown

This quote by Brené Brown highlights the essence of authenticity and how it relates to both public speaking and presence. It reinforces the idea that authenticity is a conscious choice we make in our communication, allowing our true selves to be seen and heard.